The core game is fun and engaging, and if you’re willing to overlook the extremely shallow dating sim elements, you just might enjoy it. I won’t simply score a game low because it’s about dating and having sex with a bunch of attractively drawn females. But even puzzle gamers will be divided by the game’s naughty nature. HuniePop is a puzzle game, first and foremost.

There are a lot of items to unlock, collect, give as gifts as well as give as gifts.Tons of dialog lines are voice-acted professionally.It comes with 20 in-game locations and some come with day and night cycles. The environment is beautifully hand-painted.There are eight stunning ladies with different personalities and styles to date.You get some dating advice for you to try out in the dating world. She pitied you so much that she decides to help you. Kyu, a magic fairy who disguised herself ends up on the receiving end of a sad pick-up attempt.