British English version: Race to the castle and use items to help you along the way!.American English version: Power yourself up and knock opponents out of the way with special items as you race to the finish!.

If a player is already at the Dead-End Space when their turn starts, any Bonus Dice Blocks or items they have acquired are usable, allowing them to boost their chances at beating it. if the Whomp has 3 health points, the player must roll a 3 or higher). The next time someone gets to the Whomp, they must roll a number equivalent to the amount of health it has (e.g. If the Whomp was not defeated, the player will then get crushed by it, and their turn ends. The player must roll a 6 on the dice block to defeat it and win, but if a lower number is rolled, it will still take that amount of damage.

A Goomba Tower will be holding up an arrow sign. The next event takes place roughly halfway through the path.But if they hit one of the two incorrect buttons, the bridge starts to lower, but then comes back up, at which point the Thwomp slams the player, ending their turn. The character will then move any amount of spaces left on their roll. If the correct button is pressed, the character is allowed to go across the bridge, which will at that point lower, and the Thwomp is destroyed. One button allows the character to proceed. There are three switches, colored red, green, and blue.